David Duchovny (Californication) and Demi Moore (from Twitter, just kidding!) play a married couple in the movie The Joneses. Look for The Joneses on Blu-ray Disc and DVD August 10 from Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment. And don't worry, you can still catch Duchoveny as the "charming" Hank Moody this September on the Showtime series Californication. (Yes, Tommy Lee, Zoe Kravitz and Rob Lowe are all slated to guest star.) It's nice that Duchoveny's off-time was spent making an entertaining movie, instead of a flop.
The flawless and fashionable Joneses are the envy of their posh, suburban neighborhood filled with all the trappings of the upper middle class. They are the ultimate trendsetters with an endless supply of high-tech toys, designer clothes, fast cars and the latest gadgets. But as the neighbors try to keep up with the Joneses, none are prepared for the truth about this all too perfect family.
The two perfect children for the two perfect parents are played by Amber Heard (Pineapple Express) and Ben Hollingsworth (The Beautiful Life).
As someone who not only regularly reviews TV shows and movies, but also reviews lifestyle products I am very aware of all of the giveaway blogs out there. (Especially "Mommy blogs" who are the Mean Girls type of clique in the giveaway blogosphere) I can very much to relate to the type of people who will plug anything with a hyped-up review as long as it means they get something free.
This movie is very relevant to 2010, looks entertaining, and it's also really fun to see Heard with brunette hair. This movie didn't get a ton of press, but don't forget to write the name down and watch it!
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